As botas são também novas, e são da Daisy Street. Descobri este site há alguns meses e o que mais gosto é sem dúvida a secção de sapatos, pois têm sempre variadíssimos modelos.
Aqui em Londres finalmente já parece Verão, tem estado sol todos os dias e a maioria dos dias nem é preciso casaco. Faltam-me dois mesinhos para acabar as aulas e voltar para Portugal e aí sim fazer praia todos os dias, churrascadas e claro matar saudades da família e dos amigos.
Espreitem o site da AX PARIS! Têm vestidos giríssimos para todas as ocasiões.
E não se esqueçam de participar no PASSATEMPO CAT EYE SUNGLASSES!
E não se esqueçam de participar no PASSATEMPO CAT EYE SUNGLASSES!
Espero que gostem :)
Love, R
This dress is my latest acquisition from AX PARIS and I couldn't be happier! When I saw it I knew I had to have it since it's so different from the other ones I had. It's so comfortable and I know I'm gonna use it non stop! You can get it in black or white, and you can check this dress HERES!
This boots are new as well, and I bought them from Daisy Street's website. I found this website a couple of months ago and the thing I like the most there is the footwear section.
It already feels likeSummerhere in London, it's been sunny everyday so some days I don't even need a jacket!
There's only two months left for me to finish my Master's classes and to return to Portugal, I can't wait to go to the beach everyday and hang with my family and friends. I really miss them so much!
Check out AX PARIS' website, they have the most beautiful dresses for all occasions, and footwear and accessories as well!
And don't forget to enter the CAT EYED SUNGLASSES COMPETITION!
And don't forget to enter the CAT EYED SUNGLASSES COMPETITION!
Hope you like it :)
Love, R
this outfit look so amazing ..! i love your outfit